Hook... does NOT live up.


Who wants to watch Hook again?

Jessica and I have huge differences of opinion on this movie: 

  • Jessica thinks Hook is a perfect 10. 
  • I think it's a two and a half hour waste of time. 
We discussed our respective arguments during the podcast (listen below!), but I'd like to take a deeper dive on how this movie begins.

The first five minutes of any movie should set the tone for the entire film. Hook opens with shots of children's faces staring at a school play (this movie is already killing me... RE: our bonus episode on kid's recitals). Onstage, kids act out the moment Wendy and Peter Pan met. The kids form a chorus and sing a super irritating song. Adult Peter Pan's cell phone rings, and he takes the call during his daughter's play because he's an asshole. 

With this school play opening, I think the filmmakers wanted to convey some sort of childish awe... but instead it comes across as dull (and annoying when the singing begins). Our main character sucks. This is a lackluster start for what is supposed to be an adventure movie.

Jess and I fantasized about this movie starting with Smee appearing at the children's window - a moment that daughter Maggie says happened but we never get to see. That could have been a weird and funny way to start (especially with Bob Hoskins delivering such a knock out performance as Smee!). Or, since this movie is called Hook, they could have started it with Hook plotting the kidnapping. There's so many other ways this movie could have begun that would have set the tone better.
Deleted scene: Bob Hoskins as Smee getting drunk with the mermaids. What a legend!

I found a link to the first 60 pages original Hook script, and behold! This film was supposed to start on the pirate ship. Look at the details here... it's mysterious and smoky... it's a little creepy... it's a little funny (the "hand crafted hooks" gag made me chuckle)...
I can feel the anger when that hook hits the piano keys. What a cool opening! Who the hell thought it was a good idea to cut it???

I skimmed through the other 60 pages of this partial script, and it's different from the resulting movie. Scenes were rearranged, added, and cut -- all normal practice in filmmaking. There is no school play in this draft. I'm a little astounded that someone thought it would be good idea to add that scene and start the film off with it. 

You can listen to our deep dive on Hook here or at your favorite podcast streaming platforms:
