

The Lost Boys... Lives UP!

  Michael... Michael... Michael. For our 2nd episode of Live UP: After Dark, we reviewed The Lost Boys and declared that it Lives UP! As the more enthusiastic viewer of The Lost Boys, I want to dive in on how this movie contains so many 1980s cliches... yet somehow still seems unique. Failing the Bechdel test... on bikes! Joining the other boys for an adventure:  So many 80s movies feature the adventures of roaming groups of outsider/weirdo/unpopular boys - riding bikes! - and if we're lucky, there's 1 female character amongst them. But don't worry... she won't talk too much. We saw this trope everywhere, from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure to Goonies to E.T. The Lost Boys has this super-bro vibe with only 2 female characters who never talk to each other. Stranger Things grabbed this cliche and ran with it. Then they added Eleven and Max.  When cliche becomes nostalgia The Lost Boys feels different than others 80s movies because it explores the toxic side of joining the g

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