Overboard... does NOT live up... barely.


Poor Dean is so broke, he can only afford part of a shirt.

Jessica and I reviewed the 1987 film Overboard (the Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell version), and I'm not going to lie... watching this on a sunny afternoon with an overpoured glass of sauvignon blanc... this movie didn't suck. 

Overboard feels like reading an Elin Hilderbrand novel at the beach... or listening to a yacht rock playlist at a 50 year old's backyard barbecue. Do you want your hamburger with cheese? It's nothing amazing, but it's maybe the summer vibe you need right now. 

Yes, the plot of Overboard is preposterous: contractor gets revenge on amnesiac via kidnapping... and then they fall in love. It's a classic Stockholm Syndrome meet cute. The only reason this movie works is because Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell are so darn charming together. Swapping in a different pair of actors might make this into a horror movie. Think about Kathy Bates and James Caan together in that cabin in MiseryNetflix took a swipe at Overboard by comparing the plot to one of their 2019 thriller/horror movies, Secret Obsession: 

Is Jennifer in good hands with Allstate?

Ultimately, I took a step back and realized I couldn't fully endorse a movie where kidnapping and Stockholm Syndrome are a good thing; I said that this movie doesn't live up... barely. Still, though, it can be a fun watch. Thanks to the talent and charism of both Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, Overboard never makes you worry too much about the multiple crimes in progress. Let's focus on the sunshine, boats, swimming, mini golf, picnics, and cheap drinks at the local watering hole... it's like a vacation! 

Cheers to complicity, viewer!

Listen to all of our thoughts on Overboard here, or on your favorite podcast platforms:

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