Robinhood Prince of Thieves does NOT live up.

Did he clear it?

As the 2nd film in our Robinhood Trifecta, Jess and I reviewed 1991's Robinhood: Prince of Thieves. Our usual discussion about whether this movie lives up or not springboarded us to a much more vital question: Is Kevin Costner hot?

Neither Jess nor I feel qualified to answer this question. Demographically, we're both a little young to have experienced peak Kevin Costner. One of us was more focused on Christian Slater's sulking Will Scarlet character; the other one of us is a lesbian. 

The 1991 prince of wisecracks

Jess and I like to be extremely scientific in all cinematic matters, and the "Kevin Costner: Hot or Not" debate required additional research. We ran an informal survey of straight ladies of a certain age: our moms and Amanda's writing group... and the responses fell into 2 distinct camps:

Team Kevin's Hot - Yes, this is a thing. One of our surveyees pointed to the awarding of 1991's Hottest Man articles to Kevin Costner (this is not, however, the official Sexiest Man Alive award). They described him as the "Hot Dad" in Field of Dreams, and one of our surveyees emited a loud "Ohh!" when we discussed The Bodyguard. These ladies cited his appearance in the 1985 film Silverado as further evidence of his hotness. They even knew that Costner played the Dead Body in 1983's The Big Chill (the cassette soundtrack of which graced my mother's Volvo stationwagon on repeat from the late 80s to 2000). 

All of this is to say that there is a Kevin Costner target audience... and they like him a lot. 

Kevin Costner in Silverado

Team Kevin's Not Hot - Some surveyees took a hard pass on Kevin Costner, both in 1991 and in present day. Interestingly enough, these surveyees seemed to cite the same person as "more their type":

Colin Firth: the anti-Costner

So there you have it... some ladies think that Kevin Costner is hot, and some ladies are really into Colin Firth. And some of us are into Christian Slater, and some of us are into Jodie Foster. To each their own.

Listen to our episode of Robinhood: Prince of Thieves and let us know which team you are on. 

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