Groundhog Day... Lives UP!


Bacon and cinnamon rolls every day? Sign me up!

Nobody would be shocked to hear that we think Groundhog Day lives up... it's a ton of fun even with its layers of existential questioning and moral philosophy. 

Bill Murray plays basically himself again, and has to transform from the worst kind of Bill Murray to the best possible Bill Murray. He can't escape the time loop until he learns how to live.

So... what would we do if we had to relive the same day over-and-over-and-over?
Amanda hates the idea of never being able travel, but loves that she could try all the breakfast foods in that diner.
Jess would love learning about everyone in the town, but hates HATES the idea of spending eternity with Andie MacDowell. 

Listen to everything we think about Groundhog Day (and everything Jess thinks about Andie MacDowell) here, or on your favorite streaming platform:

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